Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Hollywood Electrics Is The Place To Be Thursday 9/16

This Thursday 9/16, Hollywood Electrics will give electric motorcycle enthusiasts another reason to wish they lived in California. Harlan Flagg and Adam Berkowitz will be hosting the LA launch of the ROEHR eSuperSport and the Mavizen TTX02. TTXGP founder Azhar Hussain will be there along with Werkstatt Racing’s team leader and TTX02 rider Jennifer Brome. […]

Chip Yates Will Unveil The Electric Superbike At The Battery Show

After some tough breaks in 2010, the Pro Racing team will unveil their Electric Superbike at The Battery Show in San Jose in October. Chip Yates and team will have prime real estate at the show with a centrally located 400 square foot booth. On display will be their state of the art battery […]