2011 TTXGP Rules Wiki Wrapping Up Soon!

TTXGP Pits Elkhart Lake

2009 Team Agni Plastic At Elkhart Lake TTXGP Round2

The eGrandPrix organization has been working hard all season to bring electric motorcycle racing to the world. With 3 electric motorcycle racing series in 3 parts of the world and a final in Spain, it is the most extensive electric race series to date. Azhar Hussain and the TTXGP crew are all-in on this electric motorcycle racing thing and they need your help to make it better in 2011.

For most of this year the TTXGP Technical Rules Wiki has been open to anyone who wants to help shape the TTXGP racing rules for 2011. Harry Mallin, a man dedicated to the success of the electric motorcycle industry, moderates and runs the TTXGP Wiki. Check out some tips on how to get started editing the TTXGP Rules Wiki and dive in. Don’t worry about making mistakes, everything can be changed back or moved to the right spot.

“We have had some great discussions on the Wiki about many subjects, including racing classifications, automatic shut-off switches, and streamlining,” said Mallin.  “People need to check out the rules, and then click on the tab on the top of the page, marked ‘discussion,’ in order to see where the real debate is happening.”

Mallin indicated that people from many walks of life are participating in the Wiki.  “We have former racers, current teams, race fans, and electrical engineers making contributions to this Wiki.  We have folks from the U.S., Great Britain, Spain and Sweden who have made comments.”

A “snapshot” of the Wiki will be taken on August 15, 2010, and that version of it will be submitted to the Technical Advisory Panel of the TTXGP to be considered for the 2011 Rules.  The Wiki will continue past that date, but any comments made after that date will affect the 2012 Rules.

Less than 2 weeks left to shape the 2011 race season!