Help Resuscitate the Electric Car | Plug Shocking Barack
Brammo Inc is an electric motorcycle company. Today 2 guys are riding Brammo electric motorcycles from Detroit to Washington DC and hoping to meet with Barack Obama to present him with a solution to decrease US dependence on oil for transportation. In Shocking Barack’s own words…
Our plan is to retrace the route of the automotive CEOs who went to Washington DC asking for government loans. But instead of looking for aid, we’d like to present President Obama with a homegrown solution to the transportation crisis. Having worked with Brammo, we’re fans of what they’re doing. We want to spread the word and we want to have a little fun while we’re doing it. So join us as we surf from plug to plug in a quest to meet Obama, fueled by nothing more than electricity and the kindness of everyday Americans.
How does this help “resuscitate the electric car”? Well, Brammo is pushing hard to improve visibility for their products while also breaking new ground educating people on the benefits of electric transportation. They have chosen to undertake the burden of being a first mover. In the end it should help all companies working to build electric vehicles to succeed. So please spread the word and if you know Barack, please let him know Shocking Barack is on the way. And if you want to host these guys and provide them with a place to plug in register on
- Help us Plug Shocking Barack!
Source: Shocking Barack, via Brammo Fan
In: Brammo · Tagged with: Barack Obama, Brammo, Brian Wissmann, Couch Surfing, CP+B, plug, plug-in awareness, Shocking Barack